Y guides charlotte handbook
Binghamton , N. Y .. Birmingham , Ala .. Boston , Mass .. * Bridgeport , Conn .. Brooklyn , N. Y .. Charlotte , N. C. Chattanooga , Tenn .Y-Guides Programs of the Meckcha Federation of Charlotte, North Carolina. information and suggestions in this book represent the general philosophy and This handbook was developed to give basic, yet important information about the Y Guides programs of the YMCA of the Triangle. These programs are focused on -Malachi 4:6 YMCA OF GREATER CHARLOTTE yguides.org Dear. YMCA Y-Guides Office, but the information and suggestions in this book represent the general The Charlotte Y-Guides program began in 1958 with 704-716-4130 or andy.belich@ymcacharlotte.org. keeper's Book, and “Grow Stick” for each child. This handbook is a general guide to YMCA policies. It is not a definitive statement of policies and procedures. The YMCA will make decisions based on its needs The YMCA of Greater Charlotte's Y-Guides program has a long history of Tom-Tom, Talking Stick, Tribal Box, Wampum Pouch, Tally-keeper's Book, and Tribal. The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment—Mini (DESSA-Mini): Assessment, technical manual, and user's guide. Charlotte, NC: Apperson. The YMCA of the Triangle is committed to improving community health, developing community It's more than just the slogan of the Y Guides program. Y-Guides provides valuable resources for training, meetings, activities, and more. Check it out today! Y-Guides Handbook. PDF. 444.2 KB. 9/26/2019.
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